imajeff's blog

Fast and simple insert code into crt0.s


Some time ago there was a question of the sort, "How do I make my own crt0.o file". Then the buzz started, and everyone was talking about how to do these things, including relocating RAM and other hardware configuration.

It seemed overly dificult to worry about things like finding the original crt0.s file (I've only found it burried in the GCC source code), and taking chances of changing too much so it didn't properly initialize RAM and such. Well, I have a solution where all I do is insert my startup code in a specific slot within the default crt0.s without having to edit that file!

meaning of blogs

I have wondered a while back what people were supposed to do with blogs. I had read that the name came from "Weblogs", which basically tells all that it is. In the past, I often had misc files where I log ideas or events for later referral. That's what a blog is. The only qestion I had then was; What happens after I start writing blogs?

Yesterday I found good beginner info about blogs and finaly decided to start my blog here.

The idea then is that if we all are blogging what we do with GCC, HC11/HC12, and implementation ideas, together we make a world of difference.

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