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I have downloaded everything, what do I do now?

It is suggested to start with a simple example. The GNU Development Chain comes alone and does not have any example packaged with it.

However, you can get the GNU Embedded Libraries which contain a number of utility libraries and several examples. GEL is available at:


You can also compile this small program, which does nothing useful (just to show out the procedure):

unsigned short fact(unsigned short a)
  if (a)
    return a * fact (a - 1);
    return 1;
int main()
  return fact (5) - fact (4);

You must compile it with the following command:

  m6811-elf-gcc -o prog.elf prog.c -mshort -g -Os

And you can execute or debug it with the GNU Debugger as follows:

  m6811-elf-gdb prog.elf
  <i>(gdb)</i> target sim
  <i>(gdb)</i> load
  <i>(gdb)</i> b main
  <i>(gdb)</i> run
  <i>(gdb)</i> step

Is S19 format supported?


S19 and Intel Hex records are supported for many many years by the GNU Binutils. They are not the native format because they do not provide all the information that a linker and a debugger need (symbols, relocation, debug information).

It is recommended to let the GNU linker generate the default ELF file and use m6811-elf-objcopy to convert ELF into S19. The ELF file is required by the GNU debugger as it contains the symbolic debug information. The GNU Binutils also provide others tools (nm, size, readelf, objdump) that analyze and can give useful information about a binary program. Most of this information loast when the ELF file is translated in S19.

Why is release 2.x based on gcc 3.0.4 ?

What is ELF?

Is my processor or board supported?

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