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Due to Motorola site reorganization, these links are broken.

68HC11 Reference manuals, datasheets, application notes.
68HC12 Reference manuals, datasheets, application notes.
Motorola 68HC11, HC12, HC16 EABI working group.


Free Software Foundation Savannah site.
Free Software Foundation main site.
Gnu Compiler Collection main site.
[Sourceware Sourceware]
Red Hat Sourceware. This site hosts several GNU projects and others

including the Binutils, Gdb, Newlib, Insight, Source Navigator, ...

Other Sites

Oliver Thamm's HC12 Web.
Roger's Embedded Microcontrollers Home Page
Microprocessor and microcontroller pages

Windows Tools

You will find in this page pointers to several sites that provide binaries and/or sources for tools and IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) for Windows platforms.

Mingw32 tools (official site). It is recommended to install MSYS which provides make, sh and other utilities needed to build GEL.
Embedded GNU IDE (Eric Engler). Supports gcc and GEL.
Syn Text Editor.
Mingw32 tools, that is Mumit Khan's GNU tools. You will find here many Unix tools that have been ported for Windows NT: make, shell, gcc, ... If you want to use make, be sure to get a shell (like zsh

or any other).

Here are some ports of common GNU utilities to native Win32. In this context, native means the executables do only depend on the Microsoft C-runtime (msvcrt.dll) and not an emulation layer like that provided by Cygwin tools.
VIDE. IDE for Windows and Linux platforms. Supports Gcc.
XEmacs. The famous Emacs editor/IDE. Syntax coloring, automatic indentation, multi language (C, C++, Java, Ada, Python, Perl, Lisp, HTML, asm, ...), incremental search, tag search, many modes (compile, gdb, mail, news, browser, shell, ...), and more and more and more. You can get the binaries for Windows at: []

Unix Tools

XEmacs. The famous Emacs editor/IDE. Syntax coloring, automatic indentation, multi language (C, C++, Java, Ada, Python, Perl, Lisp, HTML, asm, ...), incremental search, tag search, many modes (compile, gdb, mail, news, browser, shell, ...), and more and more and more.

68HC11 Tools

68HC11 Loader

[Clifford Heath 68HC11 loader]
DL11 does however have a good connect mode (terminal emulator), which allows you to connect in ASCII (with or without local echo), HEX (input and/or output), and can do MIDI (Music Instrument Digital Interface) output interpretation to readable ASCII.
[Glenn Harris downloader]
[Luuk van Dijk boot loader for Unix]
This loader uses the BFD library and is therefore able to read ELF files.

68HC11 Loader & Debugger

[Clifford Heath 68HC11 loader and debugger]

68HC11 Objalloc Utility

The object allocate (objalloc) utility reassigns/renames the text sections of object files based on a size constraint. It is provided by John Volpe.

for release 2.1
for release 1.1.1
Personal tools